Watch our Online Bariatric Seminar
Your first step towards bariatric surgery is to watch our Online Bariatric Seminar. This is required of anyone interested in bariatric surgery at SOBC.
In this video you will learn about:
- What is obesity and how it is defined
- The extent of the problem
- Why humans have a tendency towards obesity
- How and why bariatric surgery works as part of the treatment of obesity
- What your surgical options are at SOBC
- How to join SOBC
After you have watched the video, if you wish to proceed:
1) Obtain a REFERRAL from your medical provider. The REFERRAL FORM and instructions for your medical provider are located on the REFERRING PROVIDERS tab. Not all individuals who are referred will qualify for SOBC Bariatric Program entry. We encourage you to review the Referring Providers tab with your medical provider.
2) After your medical provider faxes your Referral Form (and all required documentation), we will contact you via mail with next steps to access the Seminar Quiz and obtain New Patient Paperwork Forms.
3) Once you submit New Patient Paperwork Forms, we will:
- Confirm you have insurance benefits for bariatric surgery (please check your insurance plan to be sure you have a bariatric surgery benefit with Asante Rouge Regional Medical Center)
- Complete a clinical and medical record review – sometimes this includes a brief phone call with you and our clinical review staff
- Contact you to schedule your Orientation – we offer 3-4 group Orientations each month
- Due to high volume, please kindly allow a few weeks from the time we receive your New Patient Paperwork Forms to contact you
Thank you for your interest in our program! We look forward to meeting you!
I feel absolutely fabulous!
I walk with ease and a spring in my step, I can cross my legs (I know this is silly, but not if you’ve never been able to), a smile is always on my face, I go to the gym three days per week, I swim three days per week. I now can shop in the same departments as my daughters. I now gladly get rid of clothes that are getting too big, without the fear of gaining weight back, as in the past.